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Gimbalabs in 2024

In This Post: What's Next for Gimbalabs? What Will Gimbalabs Keep Doing in 2024? What's Next for Plutus Project-Based Learning? What is Andamio? Gimbalabs PBL Governance Sessions Hello, and thanks for taking a look at the Gimbalabs Blog! \ In this post, I'll provide a quick rundown about what we know so far about Gimbalabs in 2024, and invite you to get involved. For now, we will stay at a pretty high level. Then, in a series of upcoming posts, we'll dive deeper into the details. Let's jump in. What's Next for Gimbalabs? In 2024, Gimbalabs will continue to create spaces where people can get together, learn, and build. We will continue to host live sessions like Gimbalabs Playground and Live Coding, where people can get help, discuss projects, and make collaborative sense of big ideas. We will also step into new work, like formalizing the governance structure of Gimbalabs, and running experiments with the Andamio Platform. The most important thing for you to know is that we won't know exactly what's going to happen until we create some new governance structures where more people can contribute to decision-making. This governance work starts next week, and it's a great opportunity for anyone to get involved. Here's an overview of what we know, and don't know, right now. What Will Gimbalabs Keep Doing? Gimbalabs Playground Gimbalabs Playground will continue to run, at least through May, on Tuesdays at 1800 UTC. As an organization, we can decide how “formal” Playground needs be. Are you interested in the role of informal spaces like Playground in creating value? So are we. We’ll look more deeply at this question throughout the year. Live Coding Live Coding was a thriving space in 2023. We met twice weekly and covered a lot. This Miro board shows a loose outline of what we did, and you can view an archive of recorded Live Coding sessions on YouTube. What’s next for Live Coding? In January and February, we will use it as a space to foster governance and contribution. To learn more, keep reading. In March and beyond, we will decide together how to best use this time. Gimbalabs Discord The Gimbalabs Discord Server is currently a messy hub of activity. We’d like to clean it up a bit in Q1 2024, and will bring some questions to the governance team about how to do so. What's Next for Plutus Project-Based Learning (PPBL)? Revising & Refining PPBL All of the lessons and code examples from Plutus PBL 2023 can now be revised and used in the upcoming “PPBL 2024” course. This work is already underway, and we will share updates soon. From One Plutus PBL Course to Many One of the things that might be different in 2024 is that there may be several different Cardano PBL courses. “Plutus” PBL serves as one entry point to Cardano development, but there are lot of ways to build on Cardano without writing Plutus code directly, and there are many tools for Cardano developers that we have not yet covered in PPBL. That’s why we have several other courses in the works and we're excited to start building up a network of different learning resources. Andamio is build to support that network. What is Andamio? In addition to delivering educational content, we will continue to develop the Andamio Platform. Andamio is a Learning and Contribution Management Platform built on Web3. It extends what we have learned so far by providing Plutus PBL. Andamio integrates a contribution and treasury management system that we have been testing since the earliest iteration of Plutus PBL. Andamio is run by a team that operates independently from Gimbalabs, and there is overlap between the two teams. The Andamio team came together by convening a group of people who met via Project Catalyst and in earlier rounds of Gimbalabs development. We believe this is a process that can be replicated many times and we've built that belief into Andamio. A dedicated Andamio Blog will go live next week, and our team will continue to share what's next and what it means for Gimbalabs in the months ahead. Gimbalabs PBL Governance Sessions In January + February 2024, Plutus PBL Live Coding will be replaced by Gimbalabs PBL Governance Sessions. PBL Governance Sessions will meet on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1430 to 1600 UTC, just like Live Coding. We will start by asking three Guiding Questions: What's next for Plutus PBL? What's next for Gimbalabs? Are there other "Project-Based Learning" courses we should prioritize building? At each meeting, we will pursue answers to these questions by applying some patterns from Sociocracy 3.0. Everyone is welcome to participate in these sessions. In particular, you should join if: You participated in Plutus PBL 2023 and want to contribute at Gimbalabs or get involved in some of our ongoing projects. You want to help decide on the priorities for Gimbalabs in 2024. You want to collaborate in practicing Sociocracy 3.0. Learn more about PBL Governance Sessions, and register here. Summary In summary, what's next for Gimbalabs in 2024? Two things: We're going to keep building Andamio. We'd like you to help decide what else we do. If you want to know how Andamio works, stay tuned. If you want to contribute and help make decisions, the best place to start is at a Gimbalabs PBL Governance Session. See you out there! Action Items Save the date for Gimbalabs PBL Governance on Wednesday, 10 January 2024 at 1430 UTC. Bookmark the Gimbalabs Calendar.

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